The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Relax in our presence as it is safe, friendly and nurturing. We come together as Teachers to spend quality time with you in our Spirit-led Circle. At times, we are led to share meaningful insights and at other times, it is enough for us to spend quality time in loving companionship and mutual support.

“This is why we wish to be part of your life. We deeply care about you and are touched by anyone’s eagerness to get in touch with us in order to receive our input or feedback. Do not put undue pressure on yourself. Relax in the moment and see what it has to offer. It may be different each day, based on what is occurring in your life or on our higher perspective.

“We are one—we form one circle. Isn’t it the best way to ‘circulate’ information? We listen to you so that we can formulate adequate responses to whatever concerns you express. We wish to be your sounding boards and we do not respond hastily. We too have to relax in order to be fully receptive on the inner. This process will be eternal and it is wonderful that you start practicing it while in your physical embodiment who is subject to many stress factors stemming from the difficult planetary situation.

“So much is in need of correction that the task at hand seems overwhelming. Yet, much has already been done, even though it may still remain hidden to the human perception. Many seeds of hope have been planted and are lovingly being tendered to by the Heavenly Master Gardeners to ensure that they will develop in strong seedlings, able to withstand the tumultuous planetary climate.

“Relax in your day, dear ones. Relaxation of spirit is just as important as the one of your body. A relaxed spirit is in touch with itself. Isn’t it worth pondering? Get to that of state of inner relaxation; it is the best meeting place for souls—a peaceful lounge, undisturbed by worldly noises, where our hushed conversations can be easily picked up by your receptive soul. We love you so much. You matter terribly to us. Keep persevering. There is light—eternal light—at the end of the tunnel.”

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