The Inner Sherpa



“One believes truth, admires beauty and reverences goodness, but does not worship them; such an attitude of saving faith is centered on God alone, who is all of these personified and infinitely more.” [UB Paper 101, section 8]

Thought Adjuster: “The above passage got your attention in your morning reading. Truth, Beauty and Goodness are in your field of vision when you witness their presence in the world around you. They are living clues as to the Father’s Personality as they were expressed by It. They are His Signature—His Heart-print.

“You are meant to reach godlike perfection. What it means is that you will eventually come to embody these absolute values and to ‘personify’ them as well. The more you integrate Truth, Beauty and Goodness in your being, the better you will relate to the Father—or His Indwelling Fragment—to the point where you will blend in total Oneness.

“The Father IS these values. He is not the One having to alter His Being in order to meet you halfway as He cannot compromise His own integrity. You are the one having to re-form your being by distancing yourself from what is not of the Light. Self-deception is in the way of Truth; selfish deeds stand in the way of Goodness; ‘mis-creations’ stand in the way of Beauty.

“What each human being needs to do for him/herself is to objectively look at the messages sent by their own life and their internal impact and external manifestations. Just as you leave your fingerprints on everything you touch, you also leave a mark on your world. What do you want to be remembered by? Your misdeeds make you infamous while your achievements make you famous as they are both worthy of the recognition of your peers and the one of your Heavenly Father.

“The more you perform this internal clean-up, the more is being revealed to you as to your true nature and the closer you become to be a perfect match for your on-board Partner—the One that will issue your credentials to higher realms.”

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