The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, listen to the silence of your heart! Whenever you need to regroup, go within as there is a vast pool of silence that you can tap into anytime. Such a quality of silence is very tightly connected with the Substance of Peace that you can access through the threshold of Silence.

“In the course of your life, you have experienced “Grace periods”—times of divine intervention by Grace—when Peace invaded your being at moments of extreme distress. However, these remarkable moments are rare.

“Whenever people find themselves in noisy environments, they say that “they cannot hear themselves think”. This is very true as noisiness, busynessand the incessant mental chatter preventyou to go deeper within and to connect with the Temple of Silence and Peace that is anchored at the core of your being.

“Yours is to wield the machete of awareness and to eradicate these sources of disruption within your being. Those moments of deep inner unsettlement are pointing the way toward your strong longing for inner peace and comfort. They are pointing the way, but you have to take the necessary measures to find the access door to that place of inner recovery.

“Go within; breathe deeply as your breath is the conduit taking you to these deep layers of “Being-ness” and disconnecting you from the mental and emotional drama. Just as your planet is constituted of many layers that have accumulated over millions and millions of years due to its rich prehistoric formation—before the appearance of human life—your being has also many experiential layers. Some are precious and can be put to great use. Others are just layers of sediments that need to be carefully liftedto uncover your authentic Self that has been gifted with abundant “natural” resources.

“Yours is to explore your inner world. Mine is to guide you to the dormant treasures. Ours is to bring them to the surface of your being so that they can beautifully adorn your personality. Peace is the best place from which to start—cool and collected.

“Cultivate Peace and many fruits of the Spirit will grow under that friendly soul climate. Take time to FEEL Peace. Recall peaceful moments and dwell in their atmospheric memory. They will remind every cell of your being that they have been created to live peacefully with one another—in a state of harmony, collaboration, and non-resistance.

“Once you become “peace-filled”, all your life decisions will exude this peace and spread it in your circles of influences if you are firmly grounded in it. This is the most valuable life experience you could have. Go in Peace!”

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