The Inner Sherpa



“Man consciously grows from the material toward the spiritual by the strength, power, and persistency of his own decisions….” [UB 1282:01]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that human beings are in some way living their material life with a blindfold on. Let us expand upon that imagery. There is a very specific Divine Plan for YOUR life. Your willing, you are headed toward Destination Paradise. Yet, such a remote Finish Line is not visible from where you currently stand. You are told about it but the rest is left to your imagination. Getting there will be a drawn-out process—forever unfolding, and after your Homecoming on the blissful shores of Paradise, you will come to realize that it is yet another launching pad.

“You are not meant to live sedentary spiritual lives. Rather, after tarrying for a while in the Paradise Oasis, your nomadic nature will take over and you will ask: “Where do I go from here?” After being thoroughly briefed and prepared for your next service assignment, you will eagerly hit the trail again toward new experiential destinations.

“Such a long long-haul voyage cannot but be tackled one day at a time, which requires much patience on your part. Yet, it is necessary to extract the positive essence of each experience after their coming to maturity. Bypassing any of these spiritual gestational periods would find you ill-equipped for the next leg of your journey. By being fully present in the present, time dissipates. Isn’t it what you experience whenever you are fully immersed in a rewarding activity?

“In His Wisdom, the Father steers you toward your next way station on a need-to-know basis. You would be stunned and in disbelief if you were told how high He has set the bar for your eternal destiny. Just as you are no longer who you once were, you are not yet whom you shall be.”

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