The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that people instinctively turn to those who are good listeners—to those who give them undivided attention. All human beings experience at times feelings of inner emptiness due to the fact that they feel disconnected from their siblings. They have an innate desire for fellowship and that desire is frequently not met. This generates great feelings of loneliness and at times of self-worthlessness and despair.

“The same goes for your relationship with the Divine. Such an intimate relationship has been intended to take place so that no creature feels abandoned even though they may feel rejected by their peers. Living on a world grounded in matter, you can experience many horizontal relationships at that level. Yet, you are also endowed with spiritual senses that, if nurtured, can connect you to higher realms. Those are your vertical connections--the pillars of your inner temple.

“Whenever you find yourself in need of sounding boards and emotional support, you can turn to those who express compassion and affection toward you. This can happen at either level of reality. The one thing you can count on is that you are in good company. Learn to eradicate from your mind any belief that you do not matter. Everyone matters. Nobody is a nobody. In the Father’s eyes, everyone is special even though no one receives special treatment. The faith building process has to start with yourself.

“From the start, the Father has faith in you. He even comes to indwell you at your first moral decision, subjecting Himself to your immature free will, not knowing whether He will sink into oblivion and be held captive in your being for the length of your earthly life or if you will acknowledge His presence with gratitude and give Him the place of honor, allowing Him wholeheartedly to call the shots and bring forth in your life His many customized blessings.

“Serve others by honing your listening skills; they will become a factor of magnetic attraction for those who need to find their voice in order to relieve themselves of inner burdens that could potentially lead them to acts of despair. Everyone needs effective means of sound self-expression in order to safely bring on the outside what is building up dangerous inner pressure; self-expression is needed as a safety valve against despair and depression.

“Healthy relationships are making room for a constant give and take—an exchange of energies that are mutually supportive of the well being of all those involved. This too is a balancing act of the egos. A satisfactory relationship is one where both parties genuinely care about their mutual wellbeing and trade roles as needed without infringing on the personal liberties of the other.”

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