The Inner Sherpa



“The Spirit never drives, only leads. If you are a willing learner, if you want to attaint spirit levels and reach divine heights, if you sincerely desire to reach the eternal goal, then the divine Spirit will gently and lovingly lead you along the pathway of sonship and spiritual progress.” [UB 381:05]

Thought Adjuster: “As you settle in the Stillness, you realize that, by the very fact of slowing down your breathing, you can activate a slow-motion mode within your being. This is a great way to establish a connection with Spirit. Why is it so?

“Slowing down your breathing slows down your heartbeat, distancing your whole being from the other extreme you frequently experience when you are on the go and subjected to intense challenges—the flight-or-fight reaction. The adrenaline rush it triggers shortens your breath, tenses your being, and accelerates your heartbeat, at times to the point of arrhythmia or fainting.

“It then makes perfect sense that you would gain access to ‘the Peace that Passes all understanding’ by deaccelerating your being—consciously slowing it down at all levels. By taking the time to sit in the Stillness, you will set in motion a healthy and very organic chain reaction that will result in a deep state of relaxation---the best conditioning for receptivity.

“The Island of Paradise is bathed in utmost peace and, by learning to quiet the nervous energies of your fidgeting being, you will get a tiny foretaste of that all-encompassing peace, and you will emerge refreshed from this multi-purpose inner ‘silence chamber’ that will also act as an optimal ‘think tank,’ providing the best environmental conditions for spiritual receptivity.

“A daily practice will unfailingly bring about positive ripple effects that will help you address life’s occurrences from a more grounded and calmer perspective. In turn, it will be mirrored in the quality of the decisions you make and your overall attitude toward life. It will dissolve your inner resistance and trade it for an attitude of positive anticipation, as you will be aware of the stunning rainbows shining bright against the background of the cloud cover.”

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