The Inner Sherpa



Chemistry: The scientific study of the structure, properties, and reactions of thechemical elements and the compounds they form. The composition, structure, properties, and reactions of a substance.

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Chemistry! Chemistry is an intricate part of your human experience. Not only does it occur at the physical level of your reality—one of which your scientists are aware—but chemical reactions also take place at its emotional level.

“It is said of two people who get along wonderfully that they have a strong chemistry. Indeed, their emotional particles resonate with each other and a feeling of unity and oneness comes about.

“If you follow this string of thoughts, you can also grasp that all of you have been meant to have chemistry with the First Source and Center—as well as physics since there is an immense spiritual gravity-pull exerted by the Father in Paradise. His Love is the magnet that pulls everything back to Him. It is the substance that He sends out into His creation and that is meant to return to Him, beautifully echoed by the chorus of His creatures.

“Many human relationships that lack this shared chemistry, as they have been denatured by hate, jealousy, resentment, bitterness, and other emotions of low frequencies. Indeed, being stripped of the element of love, they rip relationships apart instead of empowering them.

“The chemistry of the heart is well worth being activated. When two hearts come together focused on love, empathy, and compassion, a wonderful chemistry takes place, creating precious compounds that are in harmony with one another. This is how love expands and takes on a life of its own. It generates a climate of wellbeing and wholeness. Each part of the organism finds its assigned place and starts functioning optimally, as the energy it was previously expanding in self-preservation is no longer needed there. Instead, it can be fully focused on the co-creation of a harmonious reality.”

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