The Inner Sherpa



“But many seemingly mysterious adjustments of living organisms are purely chemical, wholly physical. At any moment of time, in the blood stream of any human being there exists the possibility of upward of 15,000,000 chemical reactions between the hormone output of a dozen ductless glands.”[UB P737:6, 65:6.6]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Electro-Chemistry. Just within the confines of your physical body, you are experiencing staggering amounts of simultaneous electro-chemical reactions. Doesn’t that point to the fact that the human body is a very fine organism in need of expert maintenance?

“What you put in your body greatly determines who you become. Does it contribute to maintain a healthy balance or does it destabilize you? Much discernment is needed; in the same manner, how you feed your mental and emotional bodies also plays a major role in your mental and emotional well beings—your overall quality of life. To top it all, all these layers are interconnected and feed—or drain —one another.

“The life force that keeps you alive is an electrical force that is connected to many complex circuits—invisible to the bare eye. Yet, it is validated vividly in extreme situations: A traumatic event is “heart stopping” as it truly can cause the heart to stop when it is too overwhelming. Electro-shock therapy is then resorted to in order to “restart” the heart. The heart is truly the battery of your being and it has to be calibrated at the correct voltage and pressure. Emotions are agents of influence in that area as well and may affect how low or how high your blood pressure fluctuates. Again, the optimal target is within a normal range.

“Electro-chemical reactions are also experienced at the emotional level. Fear makes the hair stand up on the back of the neck. It is electrifying. Receiving bad news makes you weak in the knees and sick in your stomach. Disappointments take the wind out of you. Strong positive emotions send shivers up and down your spine or trigger goose bumps. Whenever people get along, it is said that there is good chemistry between them. When two souls connect at a deep level, one speaks of a “spark” or “being struck by lightning”… etc. All this imagery has a very real foundation.

“Literally, there is never any action without a reaction—at any level. This is the reason why it is so important to live with awareness in order to set good things in motion –within and without. The type of reactive agent you are is determined by the way you live your life. Are you one to brighten up a room when you walk in through the emanation of your own radiance? Or are you the one putting a damper on the celebration of life by your downtrodden attitude?

“There is a Great Dynamo—the First Source and Center—that freely provides all the power necessary to run the universes. You have absolutely no personal power without that Power. Yet so many live unplugged and disconnected--oblivious of that fact. Eventually their batteries will run out and that will greatly impediment their life accomplishments.

“Dear ones, live each day consciously monitoring the various levels of your being. Go within whenever you are running on low. I will recharge you so that you can shine your light in an ever increasing voltage.”

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