The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that, by allowing Me to take control of your mind, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain. Indeed, there is a huge difference between what you coin as mind control and the type of mind control I exert on you. How so?

“On your world, mind control is an unyielding influence exerted by an individual or an organization over others. In such a process, they strip them from their free-will and coerce them into submission, resorting to force, intimidation, shame and/or guilt, or manipulating them into emotional slavery by promising the world to them while actually stripping them from their God-given privileges.

“Such a type of mind control is at the Antipodes of what your Heavenly Father visualizes for His children. His Vision is a loving vision, and He wishes to ‘control your mind’ without ever depriving you of His gift of free-will. What would be the point? It would be extremely counterproductive. His Desire is for you to become godlike—loving free spirits.

“Heavenly mind control is ruled by Love—not by force. It involves the trusting surrendering of the human will to the safety of the Divine Will. The Father is the worthiest recipient of your trust, as He has both the most idealistic and realistic intentions for your life.

“Your mind has to be domesticated, as it is unstable in many ways. Stability can be achieved once it becomes anchored on the three pillars of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. As your Inner Guide, I will point your attention to these divine parameters in order to guide your mental processes and enlighten your thinking. I will never misguide you, as Truth is My eternal compass. I will always point the way toward the best case scenario for your life. By surrendering your mind to Me, I will not deprive you from your faculties to think. Instead, I will enhance them and help you expand the scope of your thinking in unfathomable ways. Allow Me to blow your mind!”

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