The Inner Sherpa



“Jesus was the perfectly unified human personality. And today, as in Galilee, he continues to unify mortal experience and to co-ordinate human endeavors. He unifies life, ennobles character, and simplifies existence. He enters the human mind to elevate, transform, and transfigure it.” [UB Paper 100, end of Section 7]

Thought Adjuster: “The above quote is very rich in content. It makes you realize that, ever since Jesus ‘incarnation on your planet, humankind has never been abandoned to its sorry plight of creatures living on a much challenged planet.

“Jesus always remained loyal to Truth — during His earthy life as well as beyond. You could say that the Spirit of Truth is His trademark. It is who He is and who He forever will be. Just as He never failed to speak His Truth — while simultaneously being the Spokesman for the Father’s Truth — He still is infusing your minds with higher Truth and Guidance. Yet, their impact fully depends on your state of receptivity.

“Truth is the key to your positive evolution. This is the challenge each one of you is being faced with during his/her life as a life based on the wrong assumptions fails to be in alignment with its Divine destiny. ‘The Truth shall set you free’ is indeed the heartfelt offer from Jesus to help you free yourself from spiritual ignorance. All that is needed on your part is for you to express a genuine desire to be guided in Truth. This also involves humbling yourself and recognizing that your ways leave much to be desired and that you could benefit from ‘one-to-One counseling sessions’ with the Spirit of Truth. Isn’t it where you should turn to whenever you wish for honest and practical feedback?

“Just as Jesus IS the Spirit of Truth, you too should strive to emulate His life by weaning yourself from whatever separates you from ‘all the Truth and nothing but the Truth.’ Such a personal commitment will be the catalyst for a great inner metamorphosis. It won’t happen overnight, but it will happen as you keep providing your personality with subtle ‘spiritual chiropractic adjustments.’ Too much too soon would break your spirit while steady small increments will guide it to fit more and more into its matrix of perfection.”

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