The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, as you were going over the memories of the many challenges you had to face along your life journey, the thought came to your mind that they were experienced as Life and Death Situations. They were moments in your life where fear and anguish were present. They were moments of incredible inner pressure. You frequently felt as the famous deer caught in the headlights and frozen in its tracks.

“Indeed, such situations make your adrenalin pump and place you in a survival mode. If you look more in depth at what is happening in such extreme circumstances, you will come to realize that they truly involve the element of Death. What do I mean by that?

“Your life challenges are meant to enhance your personality. They are meant to ‘kill’ the elements of your character that are not true, beautiful and good. Such challenges are the ‘exterminators’ of the impurities and imperfections of your being. They present you with multiple choices and will keep reoccurring under different versions until you subjugate them by coming to the right decision and adopting a pattern of response in alignment with the Divine Vision for your life.

“Indeed, such situations may be experienced as catastrophic and cataclysmic in your life as they rock it to its very core. Yet, their purpose is to rearrange your inner world, to repair its faulty structures.

“Whenever you go through such inner challenges, ask yourself what would be their best outcome and which values they could contribute to your life if handled wisely. Which values are they instilling in you? How can you turn them to your advantage and allow them to make you a better and stronger person?

“They are the chisels who painstakingly remove all imperfections from your being. Such a task cannot be accomplished instantaneously. This is the reason why you live in a world of time and space where you experience a continuous stream of challenging situations. You are the Dragon Slayers. You are the ones who can master them one by one as they come up in your vision field.

“The more you disable these adverse inner tendencies, the more you come alive. As you overcome one by one your personal handicaps, you transmute them into strengths and you get to experience life to the fullest. This is how new life emerges from the fertile ashes of death. You have to die to your old unproductive ways in order to be reborn to your true, beautiful and better self.”

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