Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Prayer today. What is prayer? How does it work? Your Master Jesus revealed a lot about genuine heartfelt prayer in the course of His short life. He ALWAYS turned within whenever He had to make life decisions. By doing so, He ensured that He gained a greater understanding, a long sightedness about the outcome of His decisions.
“His final decision, after surrendering His will to the Father’s Will at a time of horrendous stress and anxiety, was to allow ignorant men to put Him to death—to physical death. Yet, because His vision was turned toward eternal objectives, He gained eternal life in the process. Yes, Dear One, sometimes apparent death leads to a renewed burst of life. This is the reason why nature is going into hibernation so that it can emerge more vibrant after the winter slumber.
“Prayer should be the fuel of the soul—loving prayer. Indeed Love has to be incorporated in all prayers. How else could they reach the Father’s Heart? Love is the primordial and essential ingredient of prayer. It raises the vibrations of the one who prays and makes the prayer spike above the mental chatter of the world. It makes it stand out against the many hollow and lifeless prayers recited by rote.
“What moves you to pray? Challenges, difficulties are definitely triggering prayer in those moments when you feel overwhelmed. By articulating your situation in an intimate prayer to your Divine Fragment, you have the ear of your most loyal friend. Fear, anxieties are part of the human experience. Yet, they can be substituted for Faith and Peace when they are turned over to the Father and His helpers. Yours is to surrender in faith and allow the divine magic to metamorphose those heavy energies into “aerial” energies, like the whiff of an endearing perfume.
“Yes, a heartfelt prayer rises to the divine Nostrils and is heard by the divine Ears. Your being is truly a vessel that has to navigate the very challenging waters of life. As human beings, you may decide to join forces to row the boat together. It is efficient provided that you synchronize your rowing—that you focus on the same longed for destination. After rowing for a while, you may feel much exertion; this could give rise to hopelessness if the coastlineis still out of sight. However, prayer will make you turn your sight upwards and you will discover that your vessel has been equipped with a sail that had gone unnoticed so far. Prayer will unfold the sail and allow it to be filled with the Divine Wind. It will empower your vessel and improve your mileage.
“You are deploying your sail in faith—not knowing if the wind will pick up. Nothing is static. This you can count on. By deploying your sail, you are inviting Spirit to assist you in Its own timing and move in It will.
“The most powerful prayer is an altruistic group prayer. It amplifies each individual voice and can be heard above many ceilings of separation between the human and the divine—it is a Prayer Choir. This world is in dire need of worldwide prayer. Join in the many initiatives that are taking place on your planet at this time. Such group prayers are powerful agents of change. What you cannot accomplish alone, you can easily accomplish as a group. Group prayer is like equipping your sailboat with a powerful engine that will propel you forward much faster and efficiently. Group prayer is a prayer with much horsepower, so to speak.
“Pray, pray, pray. Confide in the Divine and listen to the answers that life won’t fail to echo your way.”