The Inner Sherpa



“Every time man makes a reflective moral choice, he immediately experiences a new divine invasion of his soul.” [UB 196:3:20]

Thought Adjuster: “The above statement got your attention. We, Divine Fragments of the First Source and Center, are dispatched to indwell you at your first moral decision. It occurs at a young age, and many of you do not recall the trigger situation for this momentous dispensation.

“Indeed, it is a personal dispensation of great import in any human life. The moment when a Divine Fragment hails from Paradise to reside in your mind, you are, metaphorically speaking, starting processing your paperwork for your future enrollment in the many programs of Advanced Education in Higher Realms.

“However, a one-time shot does not suffice to mold your soul toward the fulfillment of its matrix of perfection. As for any other skill you wish to acquire, it requires a sustained focus on your part, the personal investment of many efforts, as well as entertaining a worthy co-creative vision.

“Each time you make the right decision, you experience a spiritual ‘high.’ Such is the divine invasion of your soul we are talking about. It stands in stark contrast with the emotional let-downs you promptly experience after making the wrong choice—coupled with the unpleasantness of shame and guilt.

“In some way, each moral choice you make is rewarded with My Silent Applaud that echoes in your growing soul. The ‘soul highs’ you experience validate to you that ‘soul growth’ is taking place. Unlike artificial highs induced through mind-altering substances, the divine invasions of your soul are ennobling your entire persona—such is your personal spiritual ascension.

“One moral choice after another, you secure safe hand- and footholds on the spiritual cliff you set out to climb with Me, your Inner Sherpa. As you painstakingly ascend, the clouds of spiritual ignorance and doubt are dispersed by the power of your faith. Eventually, you will emerge in the realms of unobscured light to be blinded with their luminescence and purity. By then, the Divine will have fully invaded your soul and merged with it, augmenting your spiritual velocity and prepping you for astral travels that go way beyond what your young imagination is currently able to conceive.”

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