Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, each morning, life presents you with a new canvas—a new page in your book of life, a work in progress. Yet, you are not the only one contributing to that canvass. Its living background has already been created, depicting your circumstances at that precise now moment. This unique set of circumstances is the playground for your day as it has been meant to encourage you to come out of your shell and figure out what is the best use of your time and energy.
“On some days, the background seems gloomy and your challenge is to bring light into your day in spite of the emotionally depressed surroundings. It is in your power to do so as you own the magic markers that can color the black and white of your perceived reality. They consist of the colorful and uplifting emotions that you can invoke in your being—the palette of your favorite colors. They are there to be selected, i.e. recalled and activated. They are there to chase away the lower darker emotions that squeeze the creative juices out of your being and take God’s creative winds out of your soul.
“Whenever you feel that you need a positive emotional boost, activate the mode of gratitude and look at the content of your life from this perspective. You will be able to pinpoint the multitude of blessings that are woven into your life tapestry and that you have been taking for granted. You will focus on their vibrancy and your challenges will start paling in comparison. Their magnified importance will start shrinking in your perception taking with it the uneasy feelings it was overpowering you with.
“You will realize that these feelings are only there to incite you to move forward in faith and that you can swat them away as you would dismiss pestering bugs. Faith and gratitude are the elements that get you unstuck and help you rise victoriously over these unsettling life elements. At the end of each day, take some time to objectively review your daily contribution to the living canvas that you are beautifying in collaboration with many other wannabe artists.”