The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Be patient and be ready! This is what it is all about. Indeed, you cannot speed up time! Think about it for a moment. Time is needed for your growth and evolution. You would miss out on a lot if you did not witness the beautiful unfolding of a seed to a full bloom! You may even bypass the time of blooming if it did happen in the blink of an eye.

This is how I look at your soul’s growth and at the suspenseful unfolding of your personality. Indeed, I seeded many seeds within your being and I relish in the joy that you feel as you decrypt their hidden mysteries—one by one and in due timing.

I ensured that no life would be dull and boring and the element of joyful surprise has been wrapped into My Manifold Gifts. You are My beloved child and, not only do I give you thoughtful birthday gifts, I also bless you with ‘just-because' giftsas I see fit to meet your needs at any given moment.

Yes, be patient and be ready so that you can be receptive and that your many dormant attributes may be activated along your eventful evolution. I do have a plan for each one of you and each plan contains the required nuts and bolts, as well as beautiful adornments.”
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