The Inner Sherpa



“If man’s personality can experience the universe, there is a divine mind and an actual personality somewhere concealed in the universe.” [UB 30:06]

Thought Adjuster: “What does it take to get your spiritual life in order? First of all, it requires that you come to your ‘spiritual senses.’ Procrastination and complacency obviously will never bring about any positive transformation. Action is the modus operandi of any creation—cre-action.

“Just as someone comes to the sound decision to go on a diet after honestly looking at the issues they are facing with their physical body, they have to follow through with that decision and objectively look at the way they treat their physical body. Such a process may bring to their attention a variety of factors that contribute to their physical issues. They can then tackle them one by one in order to redress a situation that could be conducive to various of ailments or handicaps if not urgently adressed.

“Your spiritual life is subjected to similar principles of healthy living. Have you been neglecting it? How much of your 24 hour days do you dedicate to your spiritual nature? Just as your body gets healthier if you feed it with the right nutrients, your spirit also need to adhere to a sound spiritual diet.

“If you justify your lack of spiritual initiatives by a lack of time, you need to look at how you spend your daily time allotment. Just as you would go through your house in order to declutter it from what is not useful, you need to scrutinize your daily activities and ask yourself if and how they cater to your highest good.

“How much time do you spend on electronic devices? The ‘virtual reality’ that many immerse themselves in is fooling them into believing that they have a social skills while it is in fact the opposite. Many spend ours playing video games that instill violence in their being. The games may be virtual and yet can have very real adverse effects. Chasing elusive Pokemons with their i-phone leads many to loose touch with reality and to squander precious moments that could have been put to much better use. How sad that the lack of personal awareness prevents so many to manage their time wisely!

“For each of your daily activities, ask yourself what you will have to show for it. Are they contributing to the positive expansion of your personality or are they holding you hostage to a variety of artificial addictions? What if you allocated daily some slices of time to cultivate your inner life? Give it a try for a while and see how it will affect the way you live your life.”

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