The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that spiritualized beings literally glow in the dark—stand out in the apparent spiritual darkness of the planet. All human beings have the ability to become such brightening lights if they only take the time to connect with the Source of Light and Love.

“People connected to Love exude love. They have a certain glow about themselves that is visually picked up by those who enter into contact with them. Your soul emanates a light that shines through the window of your eyes and the pores of your skin.

“What does it take to become such a being of light? Allit takes is taking the time daily-- or as needed-- to recharge your spiritual batteries. Most of you own electrical devices and you remember to recharge their batteries so that they can remain of good use to you.

“Your organism is electro-chemical. It too needs to be recharged so that it can function optimally. If you ignore that need to recharge yourself spiritually by connecting to your Divine Supercharger, you live your life without benefiting from this higher power. Your batteries will flicker at a very low level and will eventually die. This means that your soul will remain in a very embryonic state as it is not supported by precious soul nutrition.

“Give yourself the challenge to experiment with that fact. Take the time daily to go within and to connect with the higher spiritual influences that are always available to you. At first, you may have to hone your listening skills and practice patience. This is part of the process. In order to be recharged, you have to be in a total state of receptivity so as to avoid interactions with lower and distracting vibrations. You need to purge these lower vibrations from your system. Then you can invite in the Light and the Love that are constantly around you but that you have been oblivious to. Once such a contact has been established, your being will be refilled with premium energy and this will positively affect all its layers: physical, emotional and spiritual.

“The rate of your spiritual growth will be sped up as you will consciously intake valuable spiritual nutrition. Put it to the test for yourself and soon it won’t require the activation of your will power to do so as you will develop more and more of the fruits of Spirit and their sweetness will keep you hooked to that wonderful Stillness practice and coming back for more.”

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