The Inner Sherpa



“When mortal man fuses with an actual fragment of the existential Cause of the total cosmos, no limit can ever be placed upon the destiny of such an unprecedented and unimaginable partnership.” [UB Paper 107, section 7]

Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk today about Spiritual Connections. This is obviously a vast topic that has not yet been extensively investigated by most human creatures as they are far more aware of their humanity than of their spirituality—their budding divinity.

“However, whether they are aware of it or not, each and every human creature belongs to an invisible spiritual network of psychic cords that connect them with spiritually kindred influences. What do I mean by that?

“It is very obvious on your world that people associate with like-minded individuals and thus create various group consciousnesses that very frequently clash against one another as they are not compatible in their vibratory frequencies.

“The same applies to your invisible spiritual associations as the ‘spirit world’ consists of many layers. When mortals cross over after shedding their carnal envelope, their spirit will be drawn to the spiritual realm that best matches the frequency they emit, based on the universal Law of Attraction. They may also remain psychically connected to some of their human associations and search for ways to exert a spiritual influence in their lives.

“It is of utmost importance to realize that fact of life since you co-create your own spiritual environment. Do you rather surround yourself with downtrodden individuals or vibrant ones? The answer is obvious as to what pertains to your physical life. Yet, it is also valid as to what pertains to your spiritual environment.

“Darkness is devoid of light and light is devoid of darkness. It is as simple as that. Search for the Light in everything you think or do, and your Spirit will be constantly bathed in it to the point where you will spiritually glow in the dark—a sure sign that you have established the right spiritual connections.”

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