The Inner Sherpa



"…peace is the social yardstick measuring civilization’s advancement…” [UB 783:04]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that those who hurt others do so because they are hurting themselves. Indeed, someone who cultivates inner peace will treat others with patience and respect. Patience and peace are akin while impatience and warfare are partners in crime.

“Any negative emotion has to be carefully monitored, as it can implode within the individual who harbors it if he or she fails to release it in a positive manner until its complete burn-out. How can you do so? These trapped emotions need to be let go one way or another. A positive way to do so is for instance to have an intense physical workout where aggressive energies can be channeled to empower it without having any adverse effects. This is like defusing a ticking bomb and it will flush these powerful emotions out of your being—especially if you consciously set such intentions.

“Warfare is the failure to find positive outlets for hostile emotions. Sadly, many of these emotions have arisen due to lack of constructive communication among the parties. Small issues become the starters of long-lasting hostilities due to lack of awareness and perspective.

“In your day-to-day dealings, you will face challenging emotional conflicts. Will you allow them to bring the worst in you or will you use them as scaffoldings for the edification of the better you—your Higher Self? There is ALWAYS a choice and no one can ‘make you’ do anything hurtful—even though many assertsuch justifications that prevent them from taking responsibility for their own actions.

“Dear ones, pray about the unresolved emotional issues of your life. Intend for peaceful resolutions and be receptive to the leadings of Spirit. Rather than fueling the fires of hostility, quench them by remaining anchored in Love. This is the place from which Forgiveness naturally flows. By forgiving, you are liberating yourself from the dead weight of grudges and resentment. It is like dispelling the stale air of a room by opening its windows to the flow of fresh air.”

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