The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Whether or not the skies are cloudy, you know that the sun is shining behind the cloud cover. This is not something you would ever question. On the inner, there may be such days when it appears that an inner cloud cover shrouds everything in hues of grey that threaten to put a dimmer on the inner vibrancy of your life.

“Yet, it is only an optical illusion. What I mean by that is that it does not reflect the reality of things as it is an impossibility to dim the Father’s Light that bathes All that Is. These periods of apparent disassociation from that Light are there to allow you to regroup when life’s occurences are testing your inner fortitude.

“In those moments, many chose to withdraw from their ‘social life’ and need time alone in order to find their center and to regain their sure footing. It is actually very recommendable to go on the inner whenever you struggle to find your way back to joy. Joy will always be there but you have to let it in! Even though some life’s events seem very challenging and disheartening, there is joy beyond them. Do not allow them to drive you to slam shut your inner shutters and to marinate in inner darkness. Rather, after taking a much-needed time out, roll up your sleeves once again and courageously wander out of your self-imposed quarantine.

“Turn your face toward the breeze and catch a whiff of the scents of inner spring that will unfailingly put a smile on your lips and reawaken your eagerness to be an Agent of the Light.”

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