Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, as you put your mind in neutral by breathing and slowly counting your breaths from one to ten, it allows you to disengage yourself from any mixed emotions you may have entertained to that point. There are no emotions associated with numbers; therefore it is a good technique to prep your spirit to receive higher input and to disengage it from your own thinking and feeling.
“The next doable technique to elevate your vibrations is to reflect on the highest emotions: Love and gratitude. As you mentally visualize the expansion of Love in your being, the receiving and sending out of this powerful life giving and life sustaining energy, you become a pure conduit for the Father’s Love and this elevate your whole being to a better position of receptivity to the Highest Spiritual Influences available to you.
“Gratitude is a magical door opener. It unfailingly opens the door of your heart and by constantly practicing gratitude throughout your day—no matter what may cross your path, you are keeping the door of your heart open to the Divine as you place your being in a state of receiving instead of a place of resistance.
“Whenever you feel your heart is about to close in order to self-protect from perceived negative influences, keep in mind that, by shutting off your heart, you are also constraining the divine flow of Love as you no longer allow it to circulate freely. It creates a clot in your emotional circulatory system. Such a blockage can threaten your well being.
“Visualize your open heart and it will help you stay in that state of receptive openness. It takes constant practice and awareness but eventually it will become your new attitude and it will override all hurtful past reactionary habits. Habits are created through repetition and you are empowered to pick and chose which positive habits you want to engrave in your being.
“The more gratitude becomes habitual to you, the more your life will become rich and empowered as there is so much more to be grateful for than there is to be upset about. Gratitude is the reset button of your heart. The more you go in gratitude, the more you amplify the light which can flood your being and shine through you. This is how you truly glorify the Father and His co-creative associates--including yourself--as He is the Giver of your unique personality and potentials. By developing your innate potentials, you are reflecting your beauty and your gratitude back to Him.”