Teacher: “Dear child, you are not alone in your time of grieving the passing of a loved one. Grieving is part of the mortal experience and it makes you realize even more strongly that there are heart strings connected between your heart and the heart of your loved ones. These heart strings are not severed by the event of physical death. They are part of the divine tapestry thatis being patiently woven,moment by moment. The Father in Paradise is the Master Weaver--the Visionary behind this Master Work.
“The Father weaves this tapestry with the precious open hearts of His children. He has to wait for the perfect timing, for the maturing and unfolding of each heart. Like a Mother Hen monitoring the invisible growth of the chick within its hard protective shell, the Father knows the perfect divine timing and adds to the living tapestry as He sees fit. Do not worry about the big picture as it will be your ultimate surprise as well.
“As human beings, you frequently experience the painful resistance of not being in the flow. The Father is there to assist you in finding your own divine momentum. Keep working at cultivating the opening and unfolding of your own heart. This is your calling. This is all what the Father expects from you – to be the best you can be.
“When you put together a recipe, each ingredient has to be integrated in due timing. If you bake bread, a waiting period is needed for the yeast to rise so that the bread is tasty. The Father will never rush the process of blendingindividual essences. Be patient with one another. It is not a competition. It is a collaboration. The Father does not favor the individual but He wholeheartedly supports the whole. Learn to see one another as precious members of the same organism. This will place you in the flow that consists of a multitude of drops, embracing each otherinto oneness.
“Our love is with you, now and always. Do also keep it in mind that we are another layer of the Divine Tapestry.”