Thought Adjuster: “I Am so close to you that it is hard sometimes for you to differentiate My voice from your own mental chatter. I do not spend time in idle chatter with you and I constantly wait for opportunities to give you my two cents worth so to speak by interjecting My guidance in the midst of your thinking processes.
“It is best to come into the Stillness on a regular basis as you are then truly attentive to My input and it can flow to you so much more unhindered. The more you are able to place your mind in neutral, the easier it is for Me to expand on My input and you will notice that I speak to you in full sentences instead of only being able to interject a few loaded words whenever I see the smallest opening in your mind.
“I am a very good and very engaged listener, dear child, and I listen to you at all times, not only at those moments when you consciously ask for My input. I am your Thought Monitor and I truly monitor your thinking and know you intimately-- better than you know yourself. I studied your life plan before you were even born and I received a very specialized training as to be equipped to guide you through your ascension journey. Yes, dear one, I am your Inner Sherpa as you call Me. I am an Ascension Expert and, based on your route choices, I am there to assist you along the way.
“Some of you, children of the earth, are braver than others and want to get to the top of the mountain by attacking its more challenging face. Others are more cautious and take less challenging roads. What matters is that there is the hint of an intention to progress as this intention is what propels you, what drives you. As an Inner Guide, I am able to discern the authenticity of your motivation and cannot be fooled by mere lip service as lip service is energetically flat and is mostly a self-lie.
“The first think that human beings have to do in order to grow spiritually is to become aware of their self-lies which keep them stagnant and passive. So many excuses are being voiced daily which are in fact roadblocks that individuals choose to place in front of themselves. Nobody makes you do anything unless you agree with their influence. You are the one making the choices, whether you are aware of it or not. You are the one who decides which voice to listen to, which spiritual influence to yield to.
“Once you recognize that for yourself, you are mightily empowered as you are then able to find your own voice. My voice will start blending more and more with your own voice as you strive to be in alignment with God’s Will. Eventually, My inner guidance will become louder and louder and you will find more and more peace within your being as all inner confusion will become stilled and you will simultaneously develop a very reliable gut feeling. Your whole organism will come into closer alignment with your matrix of perfection.
“A perfectly oiled machine is beautifully performing the purpose of its creation and the Father is in need of many such healthy organisms in order to bring His creation to full manifestation in Truth, Beauty and Goodness at all levels – from the microcosm to the macrocosm. Each paint brush adds to the beauty of the picture.”