The Inner Sherpa



“Make not the mistake of estimating the soul’s worth by the imperfections of the mind or by the appetites of the body.” [UB 1739:04]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the above quote is well worth pondering as much is misunderstood about the building blocks of a healthy soul. Indeed, at birth, even though your body has adequately developed to meet the initial requirements of the planetary life, your soul is still embryonic and its development will depend on the zillions of decisions you will have to make moment by moment, ad infinitum. Isn’t it mind-blowing to look at it from such a perspective?

“This is the reason why the soul’s worth cannot be assessed based on human short sided and subjective criteria. Each individual is more or less aware of the imperfections of its mind. Yet, due to these very imperfections, everyone is prone to pass harsh judgment on themselves and on others.

“Your physical body is the vehicle that enables you to gather meaningful experiences meant to nurture your soul during the first stage of its growth. Yet, it subjected to the many ‘appetites’ of the flesh and due to their complex electro-chemical nature, some individuals are more driven by these appetites than others. Yet, the day will come when this first ‘soul habitat’ will be abandoned, to emigrate to one of heightened vibrations that will make it easier for the soul to keep growing.

“The sculptor Michelangelo articulated beautifully this creative process by saying: “I saw the angel in the marble and I carved until I set him free.” This perfectly exemplifies how the Father looks at your budding soul. He has to work with the raw materials that you were born with—different for each one of you, based on genetics and a multitude of other factors. What further complicates the process is that you are to participate in the shaping of your soul—some of you do it knowingly, but many do it unknowingly. At times, you make some decisions that are detrimental to the master work in progress. Instead of beautifying it, they vandalize and defile, thus scaring your soul.

“Once humanity comes to understand the precious potentials contained within them, they will start participating more wisely and actively in the beautification of their soul and their sense of appreciation will grow toward all these master pieces in progress. Indeed, many ‘angels’ will be set free, well equipped to soar higher and higher through the many stages of the human ascension experience toward the perfection of God likeliness. What a heavy curriculum this seems to be! Yet, it is what the Father has in mind for each one of you. This is how much faith He places in you! Don’t you think it is time to reciprocate with a similar faith in your soul potentials and to handle it with the care and respect it deserves as it is meant to perfectly fit in His cosmic Master Work? This fact alone should motivate you and make you proud.”

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