“Love is the ancestor of all spiritual goodness, the essence of the true and the beautiful.” [UB 2047:05]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, breathe in My love and you will have all you need to live your day God-victoriously. My love is infused with truth and, whenever you stay in a state of unconditional love, you also integrate many tidbits of My infinite truth. A loving heart, focused on truth, cannot help but have a positive impact on this world as it becomes an extension of Me. The outcome is good and beautiful.
“And He saw that it was good…” Goodness was the seal of approval from the Father toward His creation, every step of the way. It was not good that man be alone… so God created woman as his complement. Goodness is truly complementary as it generates a multi dimensional and multi faceted synergy. Goodness is a state of harmony at all levels. Whenever this harmony is incomplete, you live in a state of relative good, still tainted with shadows of darkness.
“Always start your day by stating your intentions to live with love in your heart and it will activate the other components of a life well lived. Your actions will be infused with good intentions; your words will be truthful and such a spoken truth will have positive manifestations as it is unifying and practical. Your life will take on beautiful hues as you will look at the world through the eyes of the One Who Dwells within You. Or rather, your Divine Fragment will be able to take the driver seat and look through your eyes in order to give you the most effective guidance based on what He perceives from His observation post.
“The more you provide room for the Divine to step into your life, the more it will occur. See yourself as connected at the hip so that you can learn to adjust your steps to His steps and to allow Him to continue His magnificent creative work through you as you and your siblings are part of the process.
“Light and life will be optimal once each little part of the organism has found its divine purpose and has aligned itself to it, thus being activated and propelled into its true mission. Once you function optimally, you can create optimally and beautifully. Your whole being will feel the deep fulfillment and satisfaction which come from this process. Happiness is when you are in alignment with your God given purpose. Pray that this purpose be revealed to you.”