The Inner Sherpa



“Love is dynamic. It can never be captured; it is alive, free, thrilling, and always moving.” [UB 1289:03]

Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to you that, as human beings, you are learning to fit in. Indeed, this is the first stage of your eternal career and you are on this earth to practice your part in the Brotherhood of Man. This is what Jesus came to teach you. The ABC of being human.

This is the reason why you should cherish each day of your earthly life, as they are providing you with constant drills. Slowly, Incrementally, you are earning your Ph.D. in Brotherhood.

Yet, this will not stop there. The Brotherhood of Man is just your first initiation into the Cosmic Brotherhood. There is a multitude of beings with whom you will come into contact during your eternal life. How can you learn to love them if you remain judgmental, discriminative, and distant toward siblings in the flesh?

In His Wisdom, the Father slowly introduces you to varying degrees of relationships. Some of them are already taking place on this existential plane, even though they may be very one-sided, depending on your personal awareness. Indeed, you have been assigned personal Angels, Teachers, and Guides. They are part of the greater family picture. They too are longing for a mutual heartfelt connection with you and are patiently waiting for the greater awakening of your awareness and your hearts.

“Love one another” does not only apply to human relationships. It is the admonition of the Father in Heaven to love ALL His creatures as He loves them. Take the time to ponder this, as you would greatly benefit from this higher understanding and make great strides in the opening of your heart. Override all discrimination and this will serve your greater good and open new circuits of love.”

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