Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that, whenever your heart is in the right place, everything else falls naturally into place. Indeed, this is the most important truth. Your heart has been meant to be remotely controlled, so to speak.
“By surrendering your will to the Divine Vision for your life, you are simultaneously opening your heart to be in the divine flow of Love, as Love is God’s Will. The Father’s Will does not dictate. It provides you with multiple choices and they all are the right answers if they include the element of Love.
“Love is ALWAYS in alignment with God’s Will. This is the reason why it does not impinge on your personal freedom. Rather, it sets you free. Indeed, Love has been meant to be the wind filling your sails—the force that propels you heavenward, no matter which route you select.
“As well, God’s Love does not impinge on your creative imagination. Rather, it invites it to manifest Truth, Beauty, and Goodness—whose harmonious combination is the recipe for the creation of anything of enduring value.
“You are living in very troubled times. Due to their lack of awareness, many are voicing their opinions in harsh, disrespectful, and even hateful ways. Unfortunately, such behaviors are not in the flow of the Divine Agenda, as they fail to promote sustainable values. Hate will NEVER be a viable substitute for Love, even if it claims to promotetruth. Hate is hurtful and cannot speak for the highest good.
“Dear ones, go within and scrutinize where you stand in the expression of Love. Be honest with yourself. Are you Ambassadors of Love? This is the most important question to ask yourself. If you cannot answer it with a resounding ‘Yes’, then do something about it, as it is also the only way leading to soul satisfaction. Hate will never bring you bliss and happiness, as it shrivels your heart and numbs it in such ways that it prevents it from being receptive to the gentle stirrings of Love and from exuding emotions of a much higher caliber. Be guided by Love, as Love is always the right answer.”