The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, life on this planet is continuously blending light with shadow—both in your outer and inner worlds. Yet, you have access to the light switch and it is in your power to turn the light dimmer in whatever direction you chose to. Yet, very frequently, human beings are not aware of it. They surrender that power to their unpredictable life circumstances and are therefore like leaves tossed around by the powerful emotional winds of life.

“This lack of awareness catches them off guard and they feel “overpowered” and “overwhelmed” by their life circumstances—rather than keeping them under control as it was meant to be.

“If you observe a tennis match between two high high-level opponents, you will notice that they keep their eyes on the ball at all times and that they are anticipating its possible trajectories. At the same time, they remain on the defensive so that they can quickly and accurately respond to its actual curve when it is returned to their side of the net. They become more and more proficient at dealing with the ball without allowing it to hit them and bruise their ego.

“Life can be compared to this type of challenge as it brings into your field many unexpected events that you have to wisely deal with so as not to be destabilized and disempowered by their element of surprise. It is important that you stay solidly grounded spiritually and emotionally.

“In martial sports, remaining solidly planted on your feet contributes to render you unmovable in spite of the forceful attack of your opponents and to take advantage of the laws of gravity without having to exert an equal amount of force—thus remaining strong by saving your precious energy rather than squandering it .

“This is what each individual has to learn during the course of their material life. Your physical body is your playground—it is the place where you practice in order to hone your skills and develop more fortitude and resilience. It does not happen overnight, but it does happen. Level by level you acquire your spiritual belts--from black to white.

“Apply yourself diligently to reach for your dreams and your light will shine brighter and brighter as it will become more and more infused with uplifting joy and passion. If you fail to do so, you will sink deeper and deeper in the shadowy side devoid of hope and angst generating. Again, the choice is yours. Take the time to go within in order to scrutinize your life content and to make a free-will decision about what to keep and what to discard. Isn’t it time for a spiritual spring clean-up?”

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