The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Whether or not you sense it today, we are in your aura, surrounding you with Love and infusing you with Light—as much as you can handle right now. Growth is a difficult process. It has to happen over time and you may frequently feel stuck and at a standstill. Yet, you have to remember that times of apparent standstill are needed to process life.

“Life may seem to bombard the creature at various levels of its being. It constantly brings forth tidbits of expanded knowledge that are stored in the storage facilities of the universes. You also have to process a multitude of emotional states throughout your days. Some of them may feel very overwhelming and again, time is needed to ‘digest’ them in order to bring them back to a supportive mode—an experience in support of your higher and truer self.

“And of course, there are also the physical experiences of this life time spent in a carnal envelope where, again, much energy has to be processed, integrated, and at times recharged in your being.

“Looking at these different and yet simultaneous occurrences, you can realize that you are constantly multi tasking in order to maintain a state of equilibrium. At times, you may lose your footing but if you live with awareness you will quickly regain it. Do not get discouraged! Just keep facing the right direction and allow yourself to be drawn by its power of attraction.”

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