Teacher: “Dear child, the longings of your heart play a big part in allowing the pull of spiritual gravity to play a role in your life and in your growth. Your heartfelt longings are like the (-) pole calling out for the (+) pole, its complement—its Beloved.
“It is an eternal law—the Law of Attraction. Just as the atom becomes one when the proton and the electron spin together in total harmony, you are meant to fuse with your complement and to become one—to become whole.
“Your longings are due in part to the lack of wholeness that you feel. There is nothing wrong with that. On the contrary, it is the longing of the homesick child who wants to find his/her way back home, in the loving embrace of his/her parents. Nobody has been created to be an orphan, separated from the family. The family unit exists at all levels of creation.
“Keep following the longings of your heart, your purified longings; they will help elevate your being step by step, rung by rung, to higher realms of understanding and to the discovery of more and more of its true essence. More will be revealed to you as you qualify to receive more, based on the foundations you have already established in your understanding and your experience.
“Have a meaningful day, dear child. We are with you every step of the way.”