The Inner Sherpa



Logbooks represent many things to pilots, including a record of time and training to be used toward future certificates and ratings…

Thought Adjuster: “Everyone who genuinely strives to ascend spiritually needs to adhere to a dedicated and regular Stillness practice, just as an aspiring pilot has to log in a sufficient number of hours in order to qualify for the operation of an aircraft.

Many of you are giving up before getting started, as they erroneously believe that it is presumptuous of them to hope for a personal connection to Spirit and that they cannot do without the services of a certified commercial pilot—a religious figure of sorts—who will take them to higher levels of consciousness. Why would it be so? What makes a religious figure better qualified to determine the ascension route of others?

Rather than claiming a monopoly on ‘spiritual transportation’, wouldn’t it make more sense that those who already earned their spiritual wings would become the flight instructors and mentors of those who are still stuck at ground level but aspire to discover the vastness of the skies?

Each one of you has the God-given ability to stretch his or her spiritual wings. You are unique in so many ways and your journey is unique as well, as you are exploring and revealing a unique facet of the Father’s Infinite Personality.

The Father parachuted Himself in you as a Divine Spark—your personal Flight Instructor. He knows of your destination. He knows of your strengths—developed and underdeveloped. Indeed, this is how you should look at what you consider to be your weaknesses. They are not curses, they are dormant potentials that are yours to develop through practice, practice, and more practice.

Dear ones, start logging daily flight hours. They are a requirement to your ascension. How could you ever get to experience a more rarefied spiritual atmosphere if you stubbornly remain anchored to the ground without even giving it a try? You may never know what you are missing out on if you stubbornly behave as an eternal crawler, while your true nature is to freely soar at stupendous spiritual heights and to do so in the best of company.

Isn’t it time to take action and to eagerly enlist in the heavenly flight school? It will teach you how to wisely maneuver around the emotional currents of your life, strengthening you in the midst of their turbulence and eventually qualifying you to sit at the commands of bigger passenger planes, as you may invite others to take a celebratory trip with you in order awaken their desire to log their own flight hours. Indeed, a certified pilot license will be a must when the time comes for you to ascent to higher realms.”

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