The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you are settling in the Stillness, the thought came to your mind that Nature itself can be a wonderful meditation guru. Indeed, such is the case, as Nature is connected to its source as well and operates according to the same Laws of Cause and Effect. This is the reason why so many immerse themselves in nature in order to greatly benefit from such soothing retreats that reset their being at its many levels.

“Visualize the immensity of the ocean. You are droplets in the ocean of life and your breathing could be compared to the steady flux and reflux of the waves. Use this analogy as a meditation tool. How so? In order to be immersed in the Stillness, your breathing has to be slowed down and cleansed from the adverse interferences of stress. As you slowly inhale, picture yourself as if you were a wave pulling away from the beach of its landing and re-oxygenating itself in that process by communing with its source.

“On your exhalation, that same wave is returning to the beach, stretching on its welcoming sandy shore and lingering there for the short season between its flux and reflux—just as you linger at the top and the bottom of your breath. These are two points of connection with the Divine Peace—your own circle of infinity.

“By becoming the wave, you will reconnect with your natural rhythm and enjoy the tremendous peace that floods your being by doing so. You will become synchronized with the Divine Breath, just as the waves are in some mysterious way synchronized with the pull of the moon. Trust in that process and your Stillness practice will morph into a very real Stillness Experience—a Knowingness that you truly have landed on some welcoming celestial beaches, where your whole being can fully relax due to their clement weather.

“Indeed, dear ones, by connecting with nature, you become ‘natural’!”

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