The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “You are who you are in the eternal present moment. As evolutionary beings, even though the core of your personality is unchanging, you are fluctuating in your character, based on the decisions you make moment-to-moment.

You strive to be self-confident and many of you draw their sense of value by dwelling on their past achievements, whenever their current way of living falls short of meeting higher standards. Yet, should you transition today to higher realms, you are taking with you the current state of your character. Surely, you have a personal history that contains both your success and setbacks stories. As well, no matter what you may think of yourself at the present moment, be certain that you have a bright future if you choose to put your God-given gifts to higher service.

Be aware that only the present moment is weighty, as it is your ongoing opportunity for growth. Do not regurgitate your failures or those of your siblings; rather, value past successes and achievements, as they demonstrate that you have it in you to make positive contributions. Yet, be honest as to where you stand right now so that you can make wise course corrections as needed.

Past successes are not enough, as your track record may have been muddied since then should your weaker side have enticed you down a dark alley. By going within and truthfully assessing your spiritual standing, you will be able to ‘re-form’ yourself and keep working at your inner beautification project—your eternal lifelong assignment.

Resting on your laurels is a synonym to procrastinating. Displaying earned diplomas on your wall of fame does not amount to much if you dropped out of your continuing education. Dear ones, no matter where you stand right now, it is the only place from which you can move on. What matters is your can-do attitude and the sincerity of your heart. The Father can and will work with it. Isn’t He the Master Brain?”

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