The Inner Sherpa



Christ Michael/Jesus: “Dear daughter, as you call upon Me to join you in your Stillness time, I gladly respond to your loving invitation. Before I transitioned to the celestial realms, I initiated the practice of communion—of breaking bread together so that it can feed your being. It was symbolic for the spiritual influence that I can exert on your life whenever you come in the Stillness to commune with Me—heart to heart, soul to soul. This is what true communion is. The bread symbolizes what is taking place at a soul level whenever you ask Me to nurture your being.

“I was born on this planet in order to demonstrate to the children of the local universe of Nebadon how to lead a meaningful life as a human being. I descended to this planet as My final incarnation. I already had established an experiential connection with the other children of my fold. Through these multiple experiences where I lived the life of My creatures, I expanded my abilities to become a Teacher and a Guide as I personally engaged in all these walks of life.

“Your planetary life presents you with a variety of experiences whose objective it is to help you relate to others on a heart level rather than a purely intellectual one. Once you walked in someone’s shoes, your appreciation for that person is expanded and you feel compassion instead of looking at them from the outside.

“Whenever you feel separated from someone, learn about them—about their life journey. Ask them to grant you access to the pages of their book of life, rather than just taking a quick glance at their book cover. The cover is just that—a superficial approach to the book. It is meant to entice your curiosity. Yet many human covers do not reflect the authentic being hiding behind that cover; many of my earthly children are projecting on the outside an elaborate cover meant to make them appear as they think others want them to be.

“The purpose of My life was to teach authenticity and integrity. I did not photo shop My book cover. I did not tweak it to make it more likeable or better accepted by my fellow citizens as I came to bring liberating Truth and such a truth cannot be watered down if it is meant to dispel untruths and lies.

“Go within, dear ones, to search for the truth of your being so that you too can express it full strength as long as it is infused with love as it is the only Truth worthy of being expressed. Spoken truth is a living entity. The Word that created the whole universes was a spoken word. There is tremendous creative or destructive power in words. This is the reason why they have to be spoken with caution as they cannot be taken back once they have been set free.

“Learn to set free words of higher intentions and vibrations. They will be like a flight of white doves beautifying the spiritual landscape of the planet. Send out many such messengers by speaking words of Peace, words of Love and Comfort, words of Praise and Worship…. Help recycle all the misspoken words—the ones spoken in anger and in hate. They are polluting the spiritual atmosphere of this beloved planet. Collaborate in the magnificent spring cleaning that has been undertaken to restore life on this planet to its pristine intended state. You will make Me proud.”

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