Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, let us talk about Silence. You may think at first that there may not be much to say about Silence. Yet, such is not the case. There are two types of Silence: comfortable and uncomfortable.
“When two strangers come together, there have at first to ‘break the ice’ by putting an end to an oppressive silence; they have to establish a semblance of intimacy in order to be able to sit at ease with one another. To do so, they will strike a conversation. The topic of the ever changing weather is frequently resorted to as a safe conversation starter.
“Once some type of communication has been established, they will move on to other more personal topics and rejoice about what they have in common if they are willing to develop a friendship. Eventually, they will be able to comfortably share silent moments of a much different quality than the initial heavy silence they were so eager to break.
“The relationship with Spirit is a silent companionship. It is initiated by shutting off the mental chatter and the physical stimulants that prevent the access to a deeper quality of silence. This type of silence is pregnant with many promises. It is the access portal to communication with Spirit. Spirit is always with you, listening to you, monitoring your thinking. Yet, Spirit does not invade your privacy and does not impinge on your free will.
“By declaring your heartfelt intentions to engage in an intimate relationship with Spirit, you have to stop doing all the talking and start to actively listen. Spirit whispers to you in the Silence of your mind. Why is it so?
“It is to help you disconnect from the distractions of your physical senses—your connections to the outer world. By entering the Silent Zone, you idle your physical vehicle so as to pay utmost attention to what is going on within. You come then to discover for yourself that there is an infinite inner world that you can access through the Portal of Silence that Spirit holds open for you.
“Once you learn to cross that threshold, your life will be enriched by discovering unsuspected dimensions. Spirit will speak to your spirit and the Divine Heart will touch your heart. Your whole being will be slowly upgraded and you will start noticing a subtle shift in the way you perceive your life experience.
“The daily practice of listening and of being receptive will open your mind as well and, as you maintain an open line of communication with Spirit throughout your day, you will notice that the quality of your thinking will be greatly enhanced—that many new and refreshing thoughts will enter your mind and get its attention. Such thoughts will eventually substitute themselves from the obsessive thought patterns that are streaming through your mind in what seems to be an endless loop.
“You will cease obsessing about what you cannot change and you will start being motivated to tackle the things you can change. You will learn to live intentionally, rather than just automatically. Your higher intentions will act as a magnetic field that will keep pulling you stronger and stronger toward your true eternal destiny.
Yes indeed, ‘speech is silver but Silence is golden.”