The Inner Sherpa



Teacher: “Dear one, the fact that you have been noticing a difference and a void in your receiving process has the silver lining that it leads you to recognize that we were there, present in your T/R sessions and you were truly receiving our higher teachings. You believe that you are now experiencing a dry spell but you can look at it differently. The fact that you missed us, that you felt we were absent, is a witness to the fact that you were actually connecting with us in the past – even though you were wondering if we were only the fruit of your imagination.

“Ours is truly collaboration. Do no longer question that this connection has been and is actually happening. You already master that process. You call unto us and we respond. We do not play hard to get. From our perspective, it is rather our human counterparts who are hard to get or who have a hard time getting it.

“You experience the lack of receptivity of some of the people you are striving to inspire to initiate their own spiritual journey. You hear them say things such as “You believe this?” “How is that even possible?” These Doubting Thomases can contribute to make you feel frustrated as you know there is so much in for them if they would only let go of their closed mindedness and closed heartedness.

“From our side of the veil, we are the ones trying to get your attention. We are greatly rejoicing when we do succeed as we can only be Teachers if we have willing students to teach to. Our classroom may be small, but as long as we have one student, it is worth our while. The few humans who are enlisting into our classes get a very special degree of personal attention. They truly are very special to us and we appreciate the bridge they provide with between our separate realms of reality.

“ Keep asking questions, dear one. They are the best foundation for our lessons and the lessons from Spirit. They are the areas of your life that you are investigating in order to expand your understanding. Knowledge, intuition, and understanding are truly liberating spiritual influences. The more you understand, the more you are able to navigate your earthly life with a ‘bird-eye-view’ as you are able then to put things in the higher and eternal perspective. You come to realize that you are only a temporary caterpillar and that your whole life experience is to birth the potential butterfly that you are. Do learn to look at things from the butterfly perspective as it is then easier to understand what happens on the earthly ground where creatures tend to be very short sighted.”

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