The Inner Sherpa



"Devote your life to proving that love is the greatest thing in the world.” [UB 2047:05]

Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you were just pondering the interconnectivity of Truth, Beauty and Goodness. They are the fundamental and essential ingredients in the Love recipe. Love has to be genuine; Love is beautiful and uplifting. Love is dipped in goodness.

“As mortals of the realm who are longing to ascend to higher planes of consciousness, remember at all times this basic recipe as Love is the cosmic force meant to propel you Heavenward in your ascension. Love is the highest vibration there is on the emotional scale. It is the emotional helium—the emotion which rises to the top and has the greatest power of attraction as it emanates from the supercharged magnetic center of Paradise and is meant to pull you back to the First Source and Center.

“To be empowered, you need to become one of the magnetic poles involved in this energetic communion. Your heart is the [-] and God’s heart is the [+]. Learn to keep your heart open as it is the switch which enables such an ongoing connection.

“By being on a constant quest for the recognition and the expression of truth in your life, for the acknowledgement and appreciation of beauty, and for the practice of goodness as expressed by the Golden Rule, you will be able to constantly recalibrate your inner GPS [God Positioning System] toward your eternal destination and make minute adjustments which will allow you to stay on course.

“The more humanity awakens and submits their decisions and actions to this quality control, the faster the shift will occur toward Light and Life. The expression of Truth is fundamental to the process of shift as it will dispel any grey and foggy areas which are preventing so many human beings to make informed decisions and to head in the right direction.

“The Spirit of Truth has been down poured on all mankind as a spiritual guide. Learn to call upon Him so that He can provide you with His much needed feedback and save you from wasting precious time and energies in fear and anxieties which are triggered by man-made lies and misrepresentations. Keep an open mind so as to notice the clues which point the way to uncontaminated living truth. Truth is the knight in shining armor that you have been waiting for to liberate you from the entrapment of lies. Christ is ever present on earth through His Spirit of Truth.”

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