The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought just came to your mind that a Light Worker is like the usher of a movie theater. Equipped with a flash light, he helps you find your seat in the dark if you arrive late for the movie and the lights in the amphitheater have already been dimmed. Indeed, Light Workers are as well equipped with their own light and have to go to dark places in order to bring reassuring light beams to those still hibernating in darkness.

“A light is always visible in the dark. A light is also a sign of hope as it demonstrates that the darkness is not an absolute and unchanging reality. It is just a place devoid of light where many of the contours of the reality are invisible to the bare eye. A person surrounded by darkness is just as blind as one deprived of eyesight. A person immersed in the noisiness of the material world is actually deafened by it to the valuable messages and lessons of soft spoken Spiritual Guides.

“This is why Silence is gold. When you withdraw in a quiet place and shut out the worldly distractions, you can truly come into your own as you are then able to establish the most precious connection with your Higher Self. Your Higher Self will never be loud and boisterous. Rather, He will lower even more His voice to a whisper so that you practice the most intense form of active listening there is.

“To listen actively to Spirit is to drop your personal agenda and expectations in order to let Spirit lead. Your mundane preoccupations can hold you hostage to a very small self-created and self-absorbed universe that only orbits around your lower self and is very hard to sustain as it is devoid of any spiritual dimension.

“A relationship of love and respect has to be established between you and Spirit. Respect implies that you are honoring whatever input Spirit has for you. Spirit will only provide you with precious gems of wisdom if He can be assured that they won’t be discarded. Spirit only plants seeds where He knows that the soil has been fertilized so that they can grow in an optimal environment.

“As you connect with Spirit in your Stillness time, Spirit may provide you with your own bag of small spiritual seeds and it is up to you to use your discernment and discretion so as not to squander them by planting them in the wrong places.

“Spirit is not a chatter box. Spirit only speaks when asked and very carefully weighs His word(s). A weighty word can have a more powerful impact than an elaborate sentence. A good question can be answered with a simple yes or no. The clearer you can formulate your inquiries, the easier it will be for Spirit or for your Guides to provide you with to the point feedback.

“As you enter the Stillness, take time to truly go within in order to formulate which area of your life journey is in need of Divine input. After expressing it, stop and listen. Be patient and be confident as your question echoes through the universe. Whoever is best qualified to answer it will be notified and assume the Teacher’s role.”

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