The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear one, just as your physical body needs to be purged from the toxins that it accumulates due to faulty nutrition or contaminated environment, so do your mind and spirit need to undergo a similar cleansing process. Whenever your body gets rid of toxins, it is initially not a pleasant experience: You may feel weak and uncomfortable at first. Yet, as you move through the process, you start experiencing an energetic renewal and an elevated state of being.

“The same goes with a healthy spiritual detoxification. First of all, you need to identify what are the toxic components of your spiritual environment. What are you allowing in your being which does not serve the optimal functioning of your being? You need to scrutinize your life so as to be able to accurately diagnose the spiritual environmental pollutants and toxins. Ask the Divine to guide you in this process of discernment.

“Whenever you go to a physician for a routine check up, you will be asked a variety of questions in order to extract out of your answers what could be the cause of your physical discomfort. Just the same questions need to be asked as to your spiritual habits: Which type of spiritual nutrients are you ingesting? Are they low grade vibrations or are they elevated vibrations? Low grade vibrations will make you feel likewise. Ask yourself how you are feeling and it will direct you in the right direction. How do you spend your time? Which type of curiosity do you exhibit? Is it sound or unsound?

“As you scrutinize your life in such a way, you will become able to draw your own conclusions as to how you can improve the spiritual nutrition you are ingesting. The Father has made available to you a premium spiritual nutrition that you can utilize in your own life by substituting harmful habits with meaningful ones.

“Your inner Guide is at the same time your Health Practitioner. It is up to you to willingly follow the prescribed regimen. By doing so, you will start noticing changes in your spiritual make-up as you will develop more fortitude, a healthier spiritual immune system which will serve you well when you encounter challenging life situations that could jeopardize your mental stability. As your spiritual system gets purged of unhealthy contributors, you will start emerging in your own divine essence and you will be more and more empowered by the Divine to be an active co-creator as the fruit of the Spirit that you will be exhibiting will bear healthy seeds.”

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