“The apparent cruelty of a perverse fate that heaps tribulation upon some suffering mortal may in reality be the tempering fire that is transmuting the soft iron of immature personality into the tempered steel of real character.” [UB1305:04]
Teacher: “Dear child, as you are pondering these words of wisdom, you find that they do deeply resonate with you as they are and have been validated by many of your life challenges. As you look back on the various chapters of your life – your personal curriculum – you can clearly recognize what each one of them taught you through the challenges it brought into your life.
“Spirit knows the potentials of each personality and yet, dormant potentials need to be activated and the most powerful activators are the curve balls that life is throwing at you. These events come to you as unexpected, yet based on what skill you have still to master, they are customized to present you with the opportunity to strengthen your character in its weak or undeveloped areas.
“Looking from a higher perspective, your life is being closely monitored and the tests which are presented to you are calibrated according to your potential of overcoming them. Athletes start training at their current level of achievements and learn to gradually push their limits by willingly submitting themselves to a strict training regimen. Knowing that they need expert guidance to break through their glass ceiling, there hire the services of an expert in the field – someone who is aware of their potential and abilities. This personal coach also works with them at the mental level, instilling them with the can do spirit, not allowing them to wallow in self-pity when their first attempts fail, presenting them again and again with the same challenge until they master that level, and the next one.
“Trials and failures are amazing teachers. Trials raise the bar of your achievements and failures keep you humble. Humility – true humility – is part of the character package that is needed to propel you to higher growth as it keeps your character in check and balance. It is easy for immature individuals to be lured into self-adulation if they forget that all their achievements are the unfolding of their God-given gifts and should be offered back to the Father to glorify Him and serve Him better.
“As you accrue your experience and as you develop your spiritual tools, your attitude toward life challenges start shifting and you start anticipating the blessings which will be born out of them. Those challenges are labor pangs which announce the imminent birth of a new divine aspect of you. Labor is painful and yet it is also blended with the joyful anticipation of welcoming a new being into the world. The Father is also with you through your labor pangs, waiting for the metamorphosis to occur in your being as each challenge exercises a powerful transformative power.
“Look at your life from this perspective: How many rebirth have you already experienced? Would you trade the profit of these challenges? Or are you treasuring them, knowing that they have truly been earned through the shedding of your blood, sweat and tears?
“Whenever you go through difficult times, remember that the Father is Love and Compassion and that He is connected to you by the heartstrings – at all times. He provided you with the most expert and knowledgeable Coach, a divine Fragment of Himself, who knew you even before you were born and who is diligently guiding you toward your true Self.”