Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Courage and Cowardice, its arch enemy. Nobody has been conceived to be a coward—someone shrinking from taking constructive action in his or her own life, as well as in the greater world. All of you have personal access to the Adjutant Mind Spirit of Courage, one of Divine Mother’s spiritual influences.
“If you stop and think about your own character, you will identify your strong suits—the qualities within you that are already empowered to some extent—as well as your shortcomings, revealed through the traits of your character that you are not fond of, as they do not contribute to your personal beautification.
“Each individual has to lead these personal inner battles between strengths and weaknesses. It starts with a personal declaration of war against the weaknesses. Ironically enough, your weaknesses seem to be infused with so much strength that many of you give up before they even get started, feeling overwhelmed by the task at hand and being deceived by the poker faces and the practiced bluff of their weaknesses.
“They can only win through deception—by leading you to believe that you have no power over them. This is the situation faced by those who struggle with addictions. By declaring their intention to defeat them, they activate their previously idling willpower, as well as tap into the leadings of the Spirit of Courage. It may take a few intense initial skirmishes before they gain a stronger foothold on the battlefield.
“There will be moments of victory, alternating with moments of defeat. However, you will get stronger in the process and, by sheer perseverance, you will ultimately get the upper hand on your weak spots. They are indeed ‘weak’, of this you can be certain. You are equipped with amazing potentials of resilience and inner fortitude. I dwell within you and, if you bow down to My loving authority, I can act as the Commander in Chief in your inner battles, helping you to devise wise and effective strategies to defeat the enemy —the lower frequencies plaguing you.
“Dear ones, keep your eyes on the ball! Do not get distracted by meaningless activities that prevent you to fully engage in your life’s battles! Rather, tackle one by one the area of your character in need of improvement. Be patient and perseverant. The final victory will be yours and you will someday look with amazement and rightful pride at the new and better you that was finely shaped through your own efforts and goodwill. Never again will you have to revisit past battlefields, as they will only stand as memorials of your acts of valor—the many initiatives you took to earn your earthly stripes—one promotion at a time.”