The Inner Sherpa



“As you view the world, remember that the black patches of evil which you see are shown against a white background of ultimate good.” [UB2076:03]

Thought Adjuster: “Way too much power is unconsciously being assigned to the forces of darkness. Why is it so? It is because their weapons of choice are fear, coercion, and intimidation. Also, in order to promote their ‘supposed’ self-serving agenda, they shamelessly resort to the twisting and shredding of Truth — turning it into a hell of a shambles.

“The reason why I use the word ‘supposed’ is that a misguided agenda NEVER serves the highest good of any individual. On the contrary, it leads their soul into a slow death.

“What if you owned a state of the art battery-operated device but failed to recharge its batteries? Eventually it would no longer be able to perform what it was intelligently conceived to perform to perfection. You would soon lose interest in such a ‘handicapped’ toy and discard it.

“In the same manner, so many souls are being neglected — to the point of denial. Denying a reality does not make it cease to exist. Rather, it so distances the resisting party from it that it comes to live in a virtual reality that has practically nothing in common with the true reality from which it originated.

“This is the planetary impact of the Lucifer rebellion of eons ago. Its nefarious consequences are still to be seen in many of the planetary ‘hot spots.’ These are the ‘black patches of evil’ I am talking about.

“In the course of His earthly life, your courageous Master Jesus challenged the forces of darkness and defeated them. What a powerful and selfless act of Love it was for Him to come down to earth to directly challenge the arch rebels — something human beings were not yet equipped to do on their own! By doing so, He set up a human precedent to defeat evil. As a last resort, evil crucified Him, only to powerlessly witness His glorious resurrection. His physical death was not ‘terminal’ as He had developed an eternally thriving soul. The impact of His selfless life snowballed and created ‘the white background of ultimate good’ that is also very detectable by those with eyes to see — eyes that are not fooled by over focusing on the disheartening patches of darkness.

“The same applies to your own being. Under which light or lack thereof do you view yourself? You are immature creatures but you have been meant to outgrow this initial stage of life by putting your God-given gifts to good use. Do not over focus on your shortcoming as they are holding you back. Rather learn to identify your strengths and to expand them ever more. Little by little they will draw your weaknesses in their positive fields of attraction and help you transmute them into lights of hope. Indeed, each one of your shortcomings can be morphed in its corresponding strength with some effort and investment on your part.”

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