The Inner Sherpa



“He is the greatest of warriors who overcomes and subdues himself.” [UB 1447:03]

Thought Adjuster: “A warrior’s day does not begin on the battle field. It starts the moment he wakes up. Will he choose to remain in bed and never make it to the battle field? Wouldn’t that be defecting from his warrior’s responsibilities and warrant due cause to be declared MIA and discharged dishonorably?

Let us now look at your human life. It constantly presents you with multiple choices: Will you choose to get up in a timely manner in order to get ready for your day? Or will you lack the will power it requires to get out of bed when you still feel tired and weary from the battles conducted on the previous day?

You become increasingly Godlike one inner battle at a time. You become part of God’s victorious Army of Light, one courageous decision at a time. Indeed, bravery is not exhibited merely on the battlefield, even though it may be the point of its culmination. Bravery is an attitude displayed every moment of your day. It is the key to successful living.

Isn’t it an act of bravery to reach out to strangers with the desire to get to know them, not knowing whether they will welcome or reject you? Aren’t you taking a chance? Aren’t you exhibiting courage when you speak up amidst a group of people who express adverse opinions? Aren’t you valiant when you persist in spite of life’s setbacks?

Indeed, you can develop bravery in innumerable situations. Your life’s battlefield abounds in opportunities to be heroic—not necessarily in plain sight. You are My undercover heroes whenever you pick My side and represent My Vision—not only for your life but for the planetary welfare. I am the One who will award you a Medal of Honor to reward you for your bravery at the end of your life’s tribulations. You will then realize that, indeed, “You’ve come a long way, My child.” The pride I feel in My Heart whenever I witness your endearing attempts to be victorious over your weaknesses is indescribable, just as is the pride you feel every time you subdue the weaker you, thus strengthening your Higher Self and looking more and more like My side of the family.”

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