“The certainty of the God-knowing religionist should not be disturbed by the uncertainty of the doubting materialist; rather should the uncertainty of the unbeliever be mightily challenged by the profound faith and unshakable certainty of the experiential believer.” [UB 1140:05]
Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, you have been reflecting about the constant dialogue that is taking place in your mind. It is frequently a mental chatter where you jump from one topic to another—very randomly through spur of the moment thought associations. At other times, your mind zooms in on an interesting topic and wants to investigate it more in depth. Your awakened curiosity may incite you to look for external sources of information about that topic of interest and to benefit from the accumulated research and experience of others.
“On the spiritual level, you can also search within yourself. Isn’t it an amazing thought that many answers can be provided to you from within if you sincerely ask your questions to the Higher Spiritual Influences that are available to you at all times.
“As you are dealing with your own mental chatter, the way to get to that place of meaningful internal communication is to enter into the Stillness by stating your intention to disengage yourself from distracting impulsive and self-generated mental chatter. By terminating these inner conversations, you are so to speak turning off the loudspeakers in your head. You are then focusing on the inner silence and, since your attention goes where you direct it, the external sounds are also muted in your awareness.
“After going through this inner process of prepping your inner space to receive, you can focus on your breath and it will carry you through the portal of consciousness where you will be receptive to the wise input of Spirit. The Silence you are inviting in your being could be compared to walking though a long hallway that takes you from a loud and busy public place to a padded and quiet private room. It is necessary to take that silent walk in order to gradually still your mind and calm the nervousness of your physical body that would interfere with your full receptivity.
“Once your mind has been placed in neutral, you can then rest assured that the Still Small Voice that you hear is not the one stemming from your ego, but from your Higher Self or Guides. This takes practice butis fail proof. Nobody can do it for you. Yours is to decide whether or not you are curious enough and motivated enough to take that Walk in the Serene Divine Park. Just as a beautiful nature walk positively reset your energies, there is no saying what such a walk with Spirit would do to your systems. Don’t you think you would emerge from such dates with Spirit as a new person, refreshed and ready to roll up your sleeves to eagerly step into a brand new day?”