The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, the thought came to your mind that it is very sad that there is some latent--or not so latent—hostility within Christianity and other so-called spiritual groupings. How can this be resolved for the highest good of all?

“Whenever human beings experience upgrades in their understanding of truth, they tend to pridefully claim ownership of their latest belief system and this element of pride acts as a powerful deterrent—especially if they put pressure on others to “convert”, i.e. to “convince” them to think alike.

“A display of specialized skills does not signify possession of spiritual capacity.” [UB 556:03]. This is another area in need of review. Why is it that so many skilled individuals are being given the status of heroes? Do they deserve to be placed on pedestals and receive honorary statuses become they excel in one specific area due to their God-given talents? Are they bona fide role models? Skills have to be spiritualized in order to become agents of conscious inner improvement and meaningful offerings. You may have beautiful vocals but the rendition—if deprived of emotions—won’t touch the heart, only the mental sense of appreciation for the technique displayed.

“Strive to use your skills in such a way that you do not search for human recognition and glorification as it actually hampers your spiritual progression. Undeserved glorification may dangerously contribute to an inflated and misguided sense of ego and such an inflated ego will intrude on the personal space of other egos, bump against them, and make them feel out of place, uncomfortable and/or belligerent.

“This is not how you are meant to shine your light. Your light is foremost your inner light—the light of Spirit. Your inner light comes from deep within your being and can only be expressed when it is combined with Love and Respect. It is not meant to draw attention to itself but it is meant to dispel darkness and to act as an Agent of Peace.

“The problem with many believers is that they frequently claim that their belief systems –even though they were altered many times during the course of their life—are the only true ones; this is infused with judgment and leads to separation. They feel self-righteous and do not realize that speaking the right words does not mean that you embody them. Talking the talk does not bring you one step closer to your destination. Walking the walk does. By silently walking it, you will unfailingly validate it and create a doable precedent for others to follow.

“Humility is a requirement in any genuine spiritual life. You know how long your personal journey has taken in order to take you where you stand now. You also know that it was not a straight line due to your groping with much ignorance, trials, and errors. Truly, all credit belong to the Father and His helpers for guiding you through the maze of your life circumstances and for putting each one of them to good use—to the promotion of your inner growth.

“If I knew then what I know now…” is frequently heard. It demonstrates that many decisions are made with sincerity and yet still miss their intended mark as the human discernment skills have not been sufficiently honed. This is the reason why everyone needs to have patience and compassion toward others and themselves. You erred in the past and revised your belief system accordingly. Your spirituality is a work in progress and it will require many adjustments—big and small. Years from now you will have acquired more practical wisdom and will be able to recognize more clearly the errors of some of your ways.

“Yours is not to judge others for the way they live their lives. Yours is to respect each individual journey as you are not in the know of each person’s process. Be compassionate; be encouraging. Tradehurtful and unproductive behaviors ofjudgment, criticism, and the projection of hostility on others for positive ones. Strive to understand them.

“Allow for the Spirit of Truth to guide you as It will guide you in Love and Respect—not in harshness and hatefulness. Whenever you experience such hard feelings, go within to devise a strategy to uproot them from your being as they do not belong there and contribute to a state of inner of unease.”

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