The Inner Sherpa



“Material evolution has provided you a life machine your body; the Father himself has endowed you with the purest spirit reality known in the universe, your Thought Adjuster. But into your hands, subject to your own decisions, has been given mind, and it is by mind that you live or die. It is within this mind and with this mind that you make those moral decisions which enable you to achieve Adjusterlikeness, and that is Godlikeness.” [UB Paper 111, section 1]

Thought Adjuster: “How is a soul conceived? The conception of a potential human being occurs when one out of an average of ten million sperms swims its way toward the much-coveted motherly egg, penetrates it and fertilizes it.

“The same process occurs metaphorically as to the conception of the soul that differentiate human beings from animals. At your first moral decision, the Father deems your mind worthy of being ‘impregnated’ by one of His precious Fragments—your Thought Adjuster. At this very moment, begins the lengthy incubation period of your soul. Its ‘due date’ will depend on its receptivity and on the types of decisions made by its human womb—growth promoting or growth-hampering.

“An expecting mother provides the embryo with a loving and nurturing cocoon by consistently placing its needs before her wants. She honors that life by honoring her body, its temple. She refrains from smoking and drinking alcohol in order to protect her unborn child from dangerous pollutants. Her failure to do so will adversely affect the sound development of the child. Indeed, each decision is of great import for the life she carries and its successful arrival to the finish line of the pregnancy—the birth.

“The same principle applies to the birthing of a soul to eternal life. Are you willing participants in that amazing process? Or are you completely oblivious of the potential miracle that has been seeded within you? Are you honoring the Father’s Presence within you and allowing Him to fertilize your thoughts in such a way that you will make decisions that are in alignment with His Divine Will, thus guarantying that your soul will be birthed to eternal life, rather than being prematurely aborted?

“Just as the baby emerges from the womb, your soul has been meant to be birthed to after-life. Will it be healthy and sustainable? Or will it be anorexic and sickly? Will you prematurely abort it through your misguided decisions and life style? Or will you take seriously your role of ‘soul incubator’ and experience the overwhelming joy that a parent feels when a healthy child sees the light of day? Those are thoughts for you to seriously ponder, as they will tremendously affect the way YOU CHOSE to live your life.”

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