Thought Adjuster: “Let us talk about Oneness. Oneness is actually a feeling. How so? The best way to explain it is to compare two states of being you are familiar with: harmony and disharmony.
Whatever is ‘harmonious’ is unified and beautiful. It is smooth and fluid. All the components are nicely nestled within one another and function optimally in their assigned functions.
On the other hand, disharmony is a display of discordance and disunity within the system. It is a clashing of wills or emotions. It is a battle of egos that keeps at bay the presence of Peace.
This is the reason why Oneness has to occur simultaneously on multiple levels in order to have Peace on Earth. As for everything else, it starts within and ripples outward. It is highly beneficial to make time daily to go within and restore your inner peace by monitoring your various integrated systems and surveying your being for signs of tensions and discomfort in order to release them at their level of occurrence.
Check your emotions in order to detect any disturbing intrusions of unwelcome emotions. Push your emotional reset button by recalling beautiful memories that will help you bring forth happy feelings. Finally, once these two layers of your being have settled down, you can disengage your mind and you will be overall ‘peace-full.’
Another thing you will notice is that when you are entirely peaceful, nothing in your being clamors for attention. This is Oneness. There is no more separation between the various functions of your being and the greater You emerges from this total inner unification.
Your next intention will then be to spread this inner Oneness beyond the confines of your body and merge it with All That Is. This is what Life and Light are all about. It is an activation of the greater Oneness. It is finding your place in the cosmic chorus and attuning your voice to the cosmic pitch.”