The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “As you intendto connect with your Spiritual Family, the thought came to your mind that, even though you are an Agondonter—one who believes without seeing—it does not make it impossible for you to KNOW with certainty that you are a spiritual being connected with a vast cosmic family. Indeed, Spirit is infinite, universal and eternal, and does not acknowledge any man-made boundaries and compartmentalization.

“The Father has a rich personality and an infinite mind; He thinks BIG and expresses Himself in a never-ending creative process, always love-motivated and striving for the overall best. This is the reason why He provides His spiritual creatures with all the necessary resources to ensure their eternal survival. Yet, due to their gift of free-will, they are the ones who have to make the first move—thus giving their permission.

“Being eternal, our Father in Heaven strives to establish eternal family ties. He does not build ephemeral sandcastles. Rather, He builds sustainable universes that will withhold the wear and tear of time and space.

“You may be blind to these realities at this initial phase of your eternal career, just as a fetus develops the organs of its vision in the darkness of its mother’s womb. Yet, the baby will be born equipped with eyes to see.

“Rather than resenting your handicap of temporary blindness, you can turn it to your advantage. Indeed, any perceived handicap is mitigated by a greater gift. How many blind individuals are musical geniuses? Their lack of vision is frequently compensated with a much sharper sense of hearing and they can express their innate creativity through the doorway of that finer sense.

“The same goes for you. You may not ‘see’ spiritual realities; yet, you may sense them and hear them, thus rendering them just as real and tangible in your experience. This is achieved by setting the intention to connect and by turning within, shutting out the outside distractions and relying on your sense of intuition to successfully grope around in the dark to work your way toward the inner realities of Light and Life.”

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