The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “Your biological parents may not have anticipated your coming to the world, but I most certainly did. Never think of yourself as irrelevant in the big scheme of things. None of you is, as Divine Parenthood IS planned parenthood. How does that make you feel?

“Certainly, you were meant to be cradled in loving arms, embraced by these very arms in your times of childhood drama, guided by parental wisdom, and much more. It may appear that some of you got the short end of the stick, but all of you are treated with abundant love as far as your Divine Progenitors are concerned. They are nothing but LOVE.

“In some way, those among you subjected to the direst beginnings were mightily tempered in their character. The day will come when, rather than wishing for a different upbringing, you will come to harvest the many blessings it brought into your life. Didn’t it make you resourceful? Didn’t it teach you to figure things out for yourself? Didn’t it present you with an abundance of hands-on lessons—each one of them contributing to your enlightenment?

“Dear ones, surely you can feel a measure of regrets considering the errors of your ways. What matters is that you did your best at all times, learning to overcome the handicaps you inherited at birth. Do not forget that, in His great foresight and universal fairness, the Father mitigates each handicap with a blessing to give each creature an equal opportunity to eternal survival.

“Rather than being distracted and held back by some toxic strings attached to no longer relevant bygones, keep your gaze fixed ahead to safely guide your steps toward the unfoldment of your God-given brilliant destiny. You are the children of God’s undertaking. Surely, all of you have a bright future—yours willing.”

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