The Inner Sherpa



Thought Adjuster: “The thought came to your mind that music—as any art form—conveys powerful emotions. These emotions express the mood of the composer and trigger similar emotions in the listener. Frequently, specific songs or musical pieces become closely associated with memorable life events for which they were perfect emotional musical matches at the time. Many lovers have ‘their song,’ maybe the song to which they danced when they first met.

“Music is a powerful messenger that finds its way to the core of the individual if there is a common denominator between the emotions it expresses and the one felt by the listener. Therefore, if wisely utilized, music can become a very effective mood lifter. On the contrary, if you allow yourself to be indiscriminately exposed to musical types of low vibrations, they can become ‘downers’ or exert a detrimental influence on the listener depending on the emotions released by such musical entities.

“Whenever you feel under the weather emotionally, remember that music can be your comforting therapist. It may take an effort of will at first to select a vibrant piece when your current mood would rather identify with a sad and depressed rendition. Yet, if you courageously make the decision not to drown in your sorrow after allowing it to be expressed, music can become a life line. By listening to uplifting beats, by moving your body in sync with them, by singing along, you will eventually raise your moods to match these upbeat vibrations.

“This is a powerful soul therapy when you have no one to turn to in your time of need. Include it in your spiritual toolbox and remember to use it next time you are in need of a positive boost as it will dispel unpleasant stale feelings like a breath of fresh air.”

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